Event Management with ChilliDB
ChilliDB Events are ideal for managing your training, workshops and events. As many events don't require sessions you can now create events without sessions, keeping the interface clearer and easier to use!

By Industry
By Category
Event Management has become even easier!
ChilliDB will also facilitate your event registration, planning and delivery processes by managing event preparation, venue information and scheduling, logistics, speakers and program content preparation, and keep on top of event day activities with custom name tags, sign in sheets and certificates.

Supports Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
ChilliDB Events supports Continuing Professional Development (CPD) by allowing you to track point entitlements per session identifying who attended, cancelled, or didn't attend on the day. Maintaining accurate data and allowing you to report that information to the participants or their professional bodies.
Receive Reporting Extracts
ChilliDB provides report extracts enabling direct uploads into the National Prescribing Services (NPS) reporting system.
Integrate With ChilliDB Web Controls
Publish your Events listing and calendars onto your website using ChilliDB Web Controls enabling Event Registrations directly into ChilliDB.

Set-up Web Controls in minutes
Automate data entry and back office administration
Customise data captured
Send LIVE updates to the ChilliDB database
Match the style and formatting of the Web Controls to your website.
Explore each of the Web Controls and bring the power of ChilliDB to your Website simply and efficiently.
If you would like to access the other Web Controls or find out more, contact sales@chillidb.com.


Create Events
Create events and add your own custom fields to ensure you collect the right data for your events.

Advanced Search
Use Advance Search to create filters and save previous searches.

Events List
View events in a list format. Each list item includes the venue, description and a link to register and for more information.

Create certificates for events participation and completion in our report module.

Name Tags
Create custom name tags for your event attendees through our report module.

Search Events
Search Events to quickly find the correct one. Search by fields or through the full list.

Events Calendar
View your Events visually through the event calendar.

Save event certificate message templates and event certificate reports through the configuration feature.

Event Surveys
Create surveys for your events to receive feedback or collect relevant information about event attendees

Attendee Signatory Sheet
Create a sign-in sheet for attendees for an event session through the report module.